Easy development of java enterprise rich web applications.
Conventions is build on top of so called CDI, Hibernate, JSF, Primefaces and EJB technologies.
Non JavaEE application servers like Tomcat and Jetty are also supported.
Conventions paginator is a injectable component which performs database real pagination on top of primefaces datatable.
Convert business logic exceptions in primefaces messages/growl and redirect to error page on unnexpected errors.
Conventions counts on three utility security components: Security method interceptor,security page and security area.
Built in injectable i18n component.
Easy access to .properties files through CDI injection and JSF composite component.
Services are used to manipulate entities which are usually represented by a table in a relational database. Conventions comes with injectable, extensible, generic stateless,stateful and custom services based on hibernate to perform database operations on top of an entity.
Have you ever tried to keep track of user navigation and had hard time? Conventions comes with a primefaces bread crumb based solution to solve this case.
Contributions are really welcome, fork the project, create issues, give ideas. Any feedback is appreciated.
The framework comes within helper beans that will drive you to fast and easy crud creation.
Sample application showing most of conventions framework features and also fully tested with Arquillian framework
Archetype project on top of servlet container
This application shows most of the framework components in separeted uses cases with source code on bottom of each page
This application is a simple online issuetracker, it was originated/migrated from a Spring based version(see footer)
Servlet container(Tomcat) version of Conventions Issuetracker.
Checkout archetype project at github
or generate archetype project from maven archetype with command:
mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=conventions-archetype
or also read this blog about testing which uses Conventions archetype as example app.